
Penny Patterson, PhD

Penny co-founded The Gorilla Foundation in 1976 and has dedicated her entire life to Conservation through Communication.

Christa Nunes, PhD

Christa has worked alongside Penny for over 20 years, taking care of Koko and managing conservation outreach.

Gary Stanley, PhD

Gary oversees all operations and specializes in educational technology development for conservation and care.

Parker Daley

Parker produces and edits our videos and social media content, as well as assisting on TGF educational outreach initiatives.

Deanna Pierce

Deanna takes good care of Koko’s former sanctuary in Woodside, California.

Kerry Hogan

Kerry is a former architect and  oversees our gorilla sanctuary design projects.

David Rutan

David is an IT expert and business owner, and supports the foundation’s IT.

Jeanne Gardner

Jeanne is an HR expert and supports the foundation’s HR infrastructure.

Russell Skibsted

Russ is an experienced CFO and helps oversee the foundation’s finances.

Michael Stein

Michael advises the foundation on online fundraising strategy to advance our mission, as a successful nonprofit  consultant.

Penny Fraser

Penny advises on African conservation education — building capacity, impact and partnerships.

Ian Redmond

Ian is a field biologist and a world renowned conservation expert and ambassador for both great apes and elephants.