Dear Valued Monthly Supporter,

Welcome to the APE (Automatic Pledge Enrollment) family of Gorilla Foundation supporters!

We are beyond grateful for your decision to become a monthly donor. Your ongoing  support means the world to us—and to the gorillas whose lives you are helping to protect.

Because of you, children in Uganda and Cameroon are learning to appreciate and admire gorillas, just as you do. Our partners in these regions are already seeing incredible changes. As Otiti Richard from Uganda shared, “The materials have enabled the readers to appreciate and develop empathy for gorillas and other primates, which is instrumental for us to reduce the human-primate conflict.

Your donation is doing more than just educating—it’s transforming entire communities. As one of our partners in Cameroon noted, “This type of exposure can convert gorilla poachers to gorilla protectors!” 

That’s the power of your support in action. It addresses conservation by going to the root of the problem.

“It took me 22 years to see a gorilla and also learn about their intelligence and the problems they face. That is not right, I want every child in Cameroon to get to see these close cousins of ours and to know about Koko. I think this will help us be better citizens and also help protect the gorillas.”
Kungcho Mboh Appolonia, Student in Cameroon

We couldn’t do this without you. Every dollar you give brings us closer to a future where gorillas are safe, protected, and thriving in the wild.

With deep appreciation and …

Penny Gives Smoky to Koko

With Koko-Love,
Penny Patterson Signature
Dr. Penny Patterson
President, CEO and Founder
The Gorilla Foundation /

PS: If you are interested at all in how your gift is being put to work, feel free to just email me back and myself or a team member will help answer any questions you may have. We’d love to hear from you! 

Conservation through Communication