Ndume pulses his lip as anxious behavior prompted by Penny’s return from a week-long trip to Switzerland.
Ndume pulses his lip as anxious behavior prompted by Penny’s return from a week-long trip to Switzerland.
Penny gets a behind-the-scenes visit at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland. She talks with Dr. Jorg Hess and a gorilla caretaker about the […]
Koko signs ‘good’ as she sits with Ron.
Research Assistants/Gorilla Caregivers DeeAnn Draper (center) and Dina Pettit (right) are joined by host Greg Sherwood at a KQED pledge drive in March. […]
Ndume looks right at the camera while Koko sits in the gateway in the background.
Mo-Mo sneaks a nap in Smoky’s box in the research office.
Koko poses on request by the Forget-Me-Not flowers in the large yard.
Gorilla mother and child at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland. Penny and Research Assistant Sonya Elder visited the Basel Zoo while they were […]
Max, one of two dogs at the Foundation, looks at Ndume inside the large yard. They sometimes play together by chasing each other […]
Penny and Sonya of the Gorilla Foundation are joined with friends at the Dignity of the Animal conference in Basel, Switzerland in March […]
Koko has a number of forms of vocalization. She purrs when she is content, chutters when she is concerned, and barks when she […]
Ndume walks next to a patch of Forget-Me-Not flowers. Look closely and you”ll see he is carrying a few in his mouth.
Koko and Ndume enjoy a sunny day. Koko is in the foreground and Ndume is in the background.
Koko tries to drink from the frozen bottle of water.
Ndume plays with the giant tire swing in the small yard.
Koko signs “nut” to Penny. Nuts are special treats for Koko.
Koko builds a nest at bedtime while Penny writes a few notes in the diary.
Radio journalist Julika Tillmanns interviews Penny at the Dignity of the Animal conference in Basel, Switzerland in March 2001. You can hear a […]
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