Dear Friend,
As we prepare to make massive progress in 2024, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey we’ve shared in 2023 at the Gorilla Foundation, with milestones such as:
1) KokoApp: Our groundbreaking “Koko Signs” app is now available and set to revolutionize how we understand gorillas.
2) KokoKids: With the help of the app, we are now able to partner with two conservation education projects in Africa to see what kind of an impact we can make in gorilla habitat countries.
3) KokoCares: We nearly completed our 3-D design of an ideal gorilla sanctuary, that can be used to create more natural facilities for gorillas, potentially as a transitional model for zoos, and to inspire the general public to demand conservation action.
4) KokoArc: We digitized over 90% of The Gorilla Foundation’s 5-decade research archive, and can continue using it in 2024 to extend our understanding of the gorilla mind, translate gorilla natural gestures, and create exciting new content for our new app.
Your support has made all of this possible!
So please consider making one more generous, tax-deductible donation in 2023 and help us Continue the Impact:

Thank you and I wish you a very Happy New Year!

Dr. Penny Patterson
President and Director of Research
The Gorilla Foundation /
