Our new Koko Signs app is now available for free around the world!
We would like to share some video footage provided by university students in Cameroon who recently spent time reviewing the app and then sharing it with people living in a forest community where gorillas range.
The KokoApp project is the culmination of many years of work and to see it being used in gorilla habitat countries is incredibly inspirational for me and our team.
The people in the forest community marveled at Koko’s abilities and one in particular stated that:
“Anyone that uses or sees the Koko Signs app will not want to hunt or kill the species anymore because they are just like us.”
If you haven’t already, please download the Koko Signs app today! It’s free and a great way to learn some signs from Koko and much more about gorillas.
To get started just tap the “Signs” icon in the lower left corner of the home screen and scroll or search to select or find the sign you’d like to learn first. Tap on the sign and a video of Koko doing that sign begins to play. Swipe right and see me doing the sign and explaining if the gorillas perform it differently than the standard sign. Swipe left to see a native signer doing the standard version.
We’ll be sending more email updates soon highlighting different features of the app.
Join us in spreading the word about the Koko Signs app and share it with a friend.
Thank you for helping us spread interspecies communication — and empathy!
With Koko-Love,
Dr. Penny Patterson
President and Director of Research The Gorilla Foundation / Koko.org
Conservation through Communication
The Gorilla Foundation PO Box 620530, Woodside, CA 94062
1-800-ME-GO-APE [email protected]
The Gorilla Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Federal Tax ID: 942.38.6151