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Then our luck changed. We received a letter from a breeder of Manx cats who wanted to help. He didn’t have any kittens then, but he called other Manx breeders nearby until he located a litter of Manx kittens in Southern California. They were just about ready to leave their mother.
We set the date for March 17. The day before, I told Koko she was getting a new kitty—a red kitty. Red is Koko’s favorite color. She was very excited.
Then, another delay.
The breeder called. “I’m sorry,” he said. “The kitten is not coming today.”
Koko was upset. I was disappointed.
“Trouble,” she signed.
“We are having trouble getting you a new kitty. We have been trying very hard,” I explained.
Finally, on March 24, a red, tiger-stripedManx was brought to our home. Seeing the kitten, Koko purred with pleasure. It was a wonderful moment. She placed him on her chest and petted him.
“Let me hold the kitty,” I said.
But Koko would not let go. She kissed and cradled her kitten.
“Baby,” she signed.
Koko was happy. Her new kitten had come to stay.

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