Penny”s father, Dr. Cecil Patterson, who just turned 92 this June, recently visited the Foundation and gave us all a fresh perspective on life – making us think, be more aware and appreciate every moment. Since the beginning of Project Koko, Dr. C. has been a constant source of support, both as a member and as an advisor, and the gorillas consider him to be like a “grandfather.”
As a world-renowned Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois for many years (now professor emeritus), Dr. C. Patterson was one of the founding fathers of “client centered psychotherapy.” His recent book, Understanding Psychotherapy: Fifty Years of Client-Centered Theory and Practice is a great summary of his work, and his website: includes a good sample of some of his well-earned wisdom (see Sayings of the Sage).
After meeting Dr. C., it”s not difficult to imagine where Penny (Dr. P.) got much of her clarity of thought, persistence and good nature. Great Apes have two remarkable friends in Drs. C. and P. Patterson – and anyone who comes into contact with them.
Penny”s Dad Continues to be an Inspiration and a Model
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Photographer: Ron Cohn
Source: Gary Stanley