Dear Friend,
We have an exciting opportunity and need your help!
Koko's Kitten books have been extraordinarily successful for compassionate conservation education in Cameroon, Africa. This success has led to a new request to expand our support to another gorilla habitat country — the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Dr. Nikki Barratt holding a bonobo orphaned by the bushmeat trade. |
However, we must ship hundreds of Koko's Kitten books and multimedia supporting materials immediately to The American School of Kinshasa (TASOK) in DRC if we want to make a conservation impact this year with primary and secondary school children. The rainforests of DRC are the heart of the great Congo Basin that is home to three endangered great ape species — gorillas, chimpanzee and bonobos — so introducing Koko to kids in the DRC can make a huge difference!
Experienced educators, led by Dr. Nikki Barratt, Conservation Education Coordinator at TASOK (see photo at left), will adapt the Koko curriculum (which features the book Koko's Kitten and was developed and used successfully in Cameroon) to support basic education and promote Koko-inspired conservation values in the DRC.

Koko Books & Supporting Materials to Ship |
Photo by UNAFAS Cameroon © 2014 |
Please help by making a donation of $5, $10, $25 or more to ensure that these Koko-based educational materials, essential to saving great apes, are delivered to schools in Africa.
Our goal is to raise $8,000 to send 800 books (and supporting materials) to African schools — 400 books to DRC and another 400 books to Cameroon (where they're requesting more as a result of how excited and engaged the children are).
Every $10 donated will ensure that one student in Africa receives a Koko's Kitten book and access to supporting materials.
Time is of the essence! Koko has the power to touch hearts, shape minds and create empathy — the key to saving the great apes in their homeland.
To quote Denis Ndeloh, our new African Conservation Director, "Koko's materials act like magic; transforming interested observers into caring participants."
Help Koko create more magic!
Thank you so much!
With love,