In case you missed it, you'll want to watch
this video
of Koko falling in love with one kitten ... and then another! Koko's maternal instincts turn on when she sees the kittens and cradle them in her arms.
Together, we can change the world for great apes!
Your donation today can help The Gorilla Foundation and Koko.
Project Koko is the longest running interspecies communication in history and the only one involving gorillas with an emphasis on enhanced care and wellbeing.
Support Koko as she cares for her new family members. Koko's maternal skills for her kittens show that she can also foster a new gorilla ambassador for conservation.
Penny Patterson, Ph.D., Pres. & Dir. of Research, and Koko ("Fine Person Gorilla")
The Gorilla Foundation / /
1733 Woodside Rd., Suite 330, Redwood City, CA 94061
1 800-ME-GO-APE (1 800-634-6273)
The Gorilla Foundation's mission is to communicate with gorillas, and apply
our knowledge to advance great ape conservation, education, and captive care.