Koko.org Logo


Dear Friend of Koko,

Nature is in crisis! We see it all around us. And because we are part of Nature it is our crisis, too — ours to solve. Koko would ask us to act if she were here. Now, through the Kids4Koko web app, her voice ("The Voice of Nature") will be loud and bright and clear. This new movement is Koko’s enduring legacy. With your help it can change the world.

In Kids4Koko, kids will have 4 ways to connect with Koko and Nature—Signing, Painting, Reading and Helping to make a difference:

Signing Signing
Signing Signing

We've made a great start on Kids4Koko, but we need your help to infuse it on a regular basis with compelling new content drawn from Project Koko's 50 years of ground-breaking interspecies communication research — and to bring it to kids worldwide.

When you donate today, you'll be helping us launch our bold new Kids4Koko web app, and you'll receive an exclusive link to preview, explore, and share the new prototype. Your feedback will inform the next generation of Kids4Koko — the web app, the kids and the worldwide movement it will engender.


Thank you for helping kids feel the power and empathy of interspecies communication—a vital pathway to appreciating and protecting our vanishing species. And the children—Kids4Koko—will lead the way!


Penny and Koko

Penny's signature
Dr. Penny Patterson, PhD
President and Dir. of Research
The Gorilla Foundation


        Koko's signature
Koko, Fine Person Gorilla
Late Great Ape Ambassador
Voice of Nature

PS: Like many nonprofits, The Gorilla Foundation is doing its best to make it through these challenging times. Your donation of $25 or more today will help ensure the success of Kids4Koko and our vital mission.

Chaz Why Kids4Koko Now
The Kids4Koko web app is the culmination of two related projects: the book A Wish for Koko—a positive vision of Koko's future legacy, and the Koko App—to teach sign language to everyone. Kids4Koko is vitally important Stella now as a tool to help kids learn at home during the Covid-19 crisis, and it's an uplifiting activity the whole family can do together, with long-lasting benefits for Mother Earth.


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Conservation through Communication

The Gorilla Foundation     PO Box 620530,  Woodside, CA  94062
1- 800-ME-GO-APE     [email protected]
The Gorilla Foundation is a 501(c) Nonprofit
Federal Tax ID: 942.38.151

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